Screen Resolution Of Game

by ramsharma0101

Android Game Development in AustraliaEven if your concept of the game is good, designers have been able to create the necessary mood and aesthetics, all this can go in vain if appropriate screen resolution is not selected. This is the first basic thing which decides on which platform and screen your creation will be visible and workable. Just like any other OS platform, it holds great importance for Android Game Development as well. The thing is, right selection of screen resolution at the beginning of development reduces the troubles when it comes to portability of the game.

What Screen Resolution Actually Means?

Screen resolution is the number of pixels that can be displayed by per dimension. It is generally represented in the format of width* height. For example 1000*700 means width is 1000 pixels and height is 700 pixels. A Pixel is a picture element, a smallest addressable point of the picture of device. Thus, pixel is the smallest unit of an image. Generally it is believed that, greater the number of pixels, greater the picture clarity.

Speaking in the context of the game, the best resolution is a dicey concept. It depends on various aspects, such as

  • The targeted platform for the game
  • Other possible platforms on which you may wish to launch your game afterwards.
  • Graphical configuration of the devices
  • Type of the game, as games like puzzle can do without high and standard resolutions. But fighting, shooting or strategy planning games need supreme resolution to create the desired impact

The selection of right resolution is particularly difficult for Android OS due to thousands of devices that it supports. Besides, now gamers have to consider resolutions not only for mobiles, but for tablets and phablets as well. It has considerably multiplied the possibilities of resolutions. Indeed, there are more resolutions out of which you have to filter the most suitable one.

Since scanning and trying all resolutions is exhausting and time consuming, the best approach is to use the resolution which is most commonly used. It automatically ensures that your game will work on majority of the devices which are in the market.

Following are the ratios which are adapted by most of the devices

  • 16:9, as in 1280x720px
  • 16:10, as in 1680x1050px
  • 5:3, as in 1280x768px
  • 3:2, as in 960×640 (This is commonly used on iDevices.)
  • 4:3, as in 1024×768

Of course, this information is more useful for beginners. With experience and craft, you will automatically develop the knack of selecting correct resolution.

Click here for more information on Android Game Development in Australia.